RayanKhodro SPD570 R-Tune S


RayanKhodro SPD570 R-Tune S

Hardware switching of OBD channels (Using only one OBD channel to diagnose a wide range of vehicles without the need for multiple sockets).

Remote diagnosis (Tele assistant). By using the tele assistant you can help and teach your friends how to diagnose in the diagnosis process (Online).

Road test: Ability to test a moving car in different situations or on the customer info saver dyno and customer record database and the accepted cars repair.

Car’s injection system and power system maps: Connection to the computer or tablet by USB and Bluetooth for:
1: Diagnosis via a large screen computer and in customer’s sight
2: Storing the customer info along with their diagnosis records
3: Problems and parameters saved now and before (Prepare a report compatible with windows xp,vista,7,10)
-    Fabulous body containing a steel sheet protecting the internal parts
-    Color display with best lighting
-    Resistive touch screen
-    External keypad

Software Features


Extendable multilingual
Engine diagnosis
Automatic gearbox
Key programming and remote control programming
Ventilation system
Air Bag
4WD Cars CNG
Trip computer
Auto parts program and swap
ECU conversion
Engine ECU, CPH, BSI program and swap
Car internal network and equipment
Driver and passenger equipment

Automatic download: Automatic download is one of the easy and practical ways to reprogram ECUs. This option was first founded and launched by Rayan Khodro Company.

Car key’s code read by the OBD

Technical Specification


8-32GB SD Card
TFT4.3 800*480
External keyboard
Extendable Bluetooth connection
Operating temperature range:
Input power supply voltage range:
7-40 Volts
Short connection voltage tolerance range:
0-35 Volts
Internet USB
Software update:
Internet USB
ABS with steel guard

 R-Tune: Specialized Tuning and Remap Program
A product of Rayan Khodro Andish (the first producer of Diag. boxes in Iran.)
Improving vehicles’ performance: the specialized R-tune program provides clients with ECU parameters and variables, making it possible to alter the original ECU settings by clients’ requirements.
Correct ECU alteration (ECU remap) will result in maximum efficiency.

R-Tune Specifications
Installable on Rayan Khodro Andish Diag. boxes, SPD series (SPD570, SPD270, SPD240.)
Automatic detection of different ECU dumps.
Reading ECU program before remapping it to support previously installed remaps.
Detecting tens of remapping tables in ECU memory, deleting sensor errors or speed limits, cut-off or hard cut-off regulation, spark timing and fuel injection setting, and torque, air/fuel ratio, fan temperature adjustment, and so on
Automatic Tuning: Designed to simplify requests for increased acceleration or decreased fuel consumption. It automatically alters settings in ECU tables. Therefore, the user does not need to alter setting tables manually.
Deleting the error codes of different ECUs.
Correcting odometer in ECU dump.
Automatically ECU check-sum calculating and recording in ECU dump after altering ECU settings.
High-speed data read/record from/in ECU.
Supporting over 300 ECU types, including Siemens, Boush, Valeo, Sagem, and SSAT.
Wide after-sales services and supports.

R-Tune Advantages
Auto mechanics can alter ECU tables and instructions using the R-Tune program to adjust ECUs according to the driver’s needs and favorites.
Eliminating different engine problems, including on-drive knocking, increasing engine power and acceleration, reducing fuel consumption, altering fan’s ON temperature, regulating idle speed, changing and modifying RPM cut-off, and increasing or deleting speed limits.
Some automotive producers do not accurately consider the climate parameters of different regions. Moreover, general limitations, including speed limits, have been set for different parameters in the original ECU settings. R-Tune remap can accurately alter the ECU program of any vehicle according to the driver’s needs.
R-Tune allows realizing client’s requests through some alterations to some ECU mapping tables.
Diag. Box owners can install different diagnostic packages by contacting the sales department of our company or visiting our sales system at  www.RayanKhodro.com
Professional specialists should use this program. Therefore, Rayan Khodro Andish holds different remap and tuning training courses

Made In Iran

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